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PagerDuty integration

Pulse integrates with PagerDuty to receive data about incidents, necessary to calculate the metrics Time to recover and Change failure rate.

Setting up the PagerDuty integration

To set up the PagerDuty integration:

  1. On Pulse, expand Integrations and select PagerDuty.

    PagerDuty integration

  2. Fill in the necessary details:

    • PagerDuty subdomain: Your custom PagerDuty subdomain. For example, mysubdomain if you use the URL to access PagerDuty.
    • Pulse system name: Name of the system to associate with the incidents reported by this integration.
  3. Follow the instructions on the Pulse UI to create a new webhook on PagerDuty using the provided URL. For example:

    PagerDuty webhook

Collected data

The table below lists the data that the PagerDuty integration collects from your PagerDuty webhooks, together with:

  • The mapping between the data collected from PagerDuty and the Pulse data model
  • The metrics that Pulse calculates from the data to display on the dashboards
Data collected from PagerDuty Mapping to Pulse data model Used in


  • identifier: id (incident ID)
  • timestamp_created: created_at (date when the incident was first triggered)
  • timestamp_resolved: last_status_change_at (date of the last status change of the incident)
  • system: defined during the configuration process
Time to recover and Change failure rate on the Accelerate Overview dashboard

See also