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Changes and reviews metrics

Changes and reviews metrics provide an extra level of detail about the performance of your team workflows.


You must install the GitHub integration or the Bitbucket integration for Pulse to calculate the changes and reviews metrics.

Changes metrics

The following metrics directly influence Lead time for changes, and can help you track in more detail what needs to be improved in your workflow:

Pulse aggregates these metrics by week and presents values for the average and the 75% and 95% percentiles.


Pulse calculates these metrics based on pull request data and:

  • Includes pull requests targeting all branches
  • Includes draft pull requests, meaning that the lifetime of pull requests includes the time marked as draft
  • Excludes open and declined pull requests
  • Excludes pull requests without commits and force pushed pull requests where the first commit was authored after the pull request was open

Time to open

An approximation of how long it takes for a change or feature to be developed:

pull request open timestamp - first commit in pull request branch timestamp

Time to merge

How long does the code review process take for a change or feature:

pull request merge timestamp - pull request open timestamp

Reviews metrics

The following metrics provide insights into the level of engagement and efficiency of your code review process:


Pulse calculates these metrics based on pull request data and:

  • Considers that reviews are approvals, change requests, and inline pull request comments, but not pull request conversation comments
  • Excludes reviews in a pending state
  • Excludes reviews and approvals that are done after the pull requests are merged

Time to first review

How long does it take to have the first review on a pull request:

first review timestamp - pull request open timestamp

Time to first approval

How long does it take to have the first approval on a pull request:

first approval timestamp - pull request open timestamp

Time from first to last approval

How long does it take between the first and last approvals on a pull request:

last approval timestamp - first approval timestamp

Time from last approval to merge

How long does it take to merge a pull request after the last approval:

pull request merge timestamp - last approval timestamp

Outlier review details

Pulse displays the following details for each pull request in the chart Review time explorer:

Name Description
Time to review Time to merge a pull request
Changes Number of lines of code changed in a pull request
Commits Number of commits in a pull request, even if the pull request is squashed
Comments Number of comments and review comments in a pull request

See also